
大东海大东海 新资讯 2025-03-26 23:05:26 300 0
  1. 关于奥运会历史的英文介绍
  2. 英语翻译:奥运会促进了各国之间的友谊,中国在此次奥运会中表现得很出色
  3. 2021东京奥运会英语祝贺词


After the ancient Olympic Games was suspended for 1,500 years, the Frenchman Coubertin proposed the initiative of the modern Olympic Games at the end of the 19th century.

The Olympic Committee was established in 1894, the first Olympic Games was held in 1896.


The first Winter Olympics was held in 1924, the first Paralympic Games was held in 1960.

The first Youth Olympic Games was held in 2010, and the first Youth Olympic Games was held in 2012. .

In July 2017, the International Olympic Committee decided to host the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris, France, hosted the 2028 Olympic Games in Los Angeles.


And officially announced at the 131st Plenary Session of the International Olympic Committee in Lima, Peru on September 14.

The ownership of the two Olympic Games.


The Olympic Games enhanced the friendship between different


countries.China has done excellently in this game.


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