has和hold的区别(奥运会 缩写 pen)

大东海大东海 新资讯 2024-09-20 17:31:27 79 0
  1. has和hold的区别
  2. 英语中的十大词性举例




has和hold的区别(奥运会 缩写 pen)

have:have[hæv; hæv]及物动词(had; hav.ing)A1 拥有,有,持有a. 有…,拥有…I ~ a car and so does [has] Bill.我有汽车而比尔也有He has a pen (in his hand).他 (手里) 有钢笔He has a lot of money.他 (拥) 有很多钱She has a packet in her arms [u ...

hold:hold[hold; hould]可数名词1‘航海’船舱stow the ~将货物装进船舱2 (飞机的) 货舱hold[hold; hould]《源自中古英语“饲养家畜”的意思》(held[h[ld; held])及物动词1 a. 拿住,握…~ a pen firmly紧握笔They held hands [each other's hands].他们 ...

This jacket has two pockets. 这件上衣有两个口袋。
She has blue eyes. 她有一双蓝眼睛。

has和hold的区别(奥运会 缩写 pen)

Jack holds an American passport. 杰克持有美国护照。
They hold some property in the countryside. 他们在乡下有些财产。


1,名词,Nouns (n.) 表示人或事物的名称 box,pen,tree,apple

  2,代词,Pronouns (pron.)代替名词、数词、形容词We,this,them,myself

has和hold的区别(奥运会 缩写 pen)

  3,形容词,Adjectives(adj.) 用来修饰名词,表示人或事物的特征 good,sad,high,short

  4,数词,Numerals(num.)表示数目或顺序 one,two,first

  5,动词,Verb (v.) 表示动作或状态 Jump,sing,visit

1. Noun (名词): dog, book, happiness
2. Verb (动词): run, eat, sing
3. Adjective (形容词): happy, big, red
4. Adverb (副词): quickly, slowly, well
5. Pronoun (代词): I, you, he
6. Preposition (介词): in, on, at
7. Conjunction (连词): and, but, or
8. Interjection (感叹词): oh, wow, hey
9. Determiner (限定词): the, a, this
10. Auxiliary verb (助动词): can, have, be

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